SolidCAM GmbH customer quotes about iMachining

..the great tool paths, high speed tangential movements, and chip volumes that iMachining generates are just incredible

|  Customer quotes about iMachining

SolidCAM GmbH customer quotes about iMachining

Udo Trimborn, Trimborn Engineering GmbH

“In the previous weeks, we ran a machining operation using traditional milling methods with a cycle time of approximately 17 minutes. Using iMachining, we have now reduced the cycle time to 9 ½ minutes, while extending our tool's life from five parts to ten parts.”

Steffen Grafe, Trensch & Hilch GBR

“The great tool paths, high speed tangential movements, and chip volumes that iMachining generates are just incredible.”

Rolf Dettinger, Prosakro Mechatromics GmbH

“I am the Production Manager at Posakro. When I heard the promise of up to 70% savings with iMachining, I could not imagine it was possible. Indeed, I found it’s true and sometimes even more with 80 - 90% savings on our current programming and production processes.”

Thomas Goedeke, Dreiling CAM Engineering GmbH

I'm a CNC programmer at Dreiling. With iMachining, our company has achieved a 3x increase in tool life by allowing us to use the full cutting length. By this factor alone, the investment has paid off.”

Jörg Meissner, Formbau Meissner GmbH

“We contacted SolidCAM and asked to have an evaluation seat of SolidCAM with iMachining. In just three days, we were able to mill a test part. Our machine parameters were set using the Technology Wizard's suggested cutting data; then, after doing the setup, we were able to immediately mill.”

Enrico Galander, Galander Medical GmbH

“I am Managing Director at Galander, a medical manufacturing company in Tuttlingen. From day one, my coworkers and I were very skeptical; however, iMachining proved to be a smart investment for us. SolidCAM's milling package was quickly paid for with the incredible time savings from iMachining. Since using iMachining, staff come into my office and say, "Wow, great that you've bought it." I'm really thrilled and excited about this software.”


