iMachining 3D | Exciting Statement of a SolidCAM iMachining customer!

..cutting now with iMachining-3D complex parts, with deep cutting contour and all kind of Materials.


|  Customer quotes about iMachining

From: Frank Barho []

Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 6:38 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Subject: iMachining 3D | Exciting Statement of a SolidCAM iMachining customer! 

Hi Emil,

We won a customer some weeks ago, who is cutting now with iMachining 3D complex parts, with deep cutting contour and all kind of Materials.

Today he talked to me for Merry Christmas and … 

By the way he said excitedly,

“I think SolidCAM themselves still do not know what all iMachining can do…!”


Best regards,

Karin & Frank
Barho Ecs



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